E.I. EMEKA

At my first 'nya nya', cut me a cake
At my first 'dada', cut me a cake
At my first 365, cut me a cake 
At my first scholar’s journey, cut me a cake
At my first report card, cut me a cake

At my first jamb-mania, cut me a cake
At my first mortarboard throw, cut me a cake
At my first swearing in, cut me a cake
At my first sent away, cut me a cake
At my first home coming, cut me a cake

At my first white-collar, cut me a cake 
At my first promotion, cut me a cake
At my first ‘you may kiss the bride’, cut me a cake
At my first jigi-jigi revealed, cut me a cake
At my first push and cry, cut me a cake 

At my first golden year, cut me a cake
At my first doddering, cut me a cake
At my second toothless, cut me a cake
At my last summoned assembly, cut me a cake
And at my adieu, please cut me a cake


 E.I EMEKA is a multitalented playwright, poet, essayist, feature writer, cultural choreographer and a prolific stage and screen director. Among many others, his debut play "No Nation" was staged at Ibrahim Badamasi Babagida Univeristy Campus. "No Nation" and "Stupid?" is currently on going publication. 
He's into leadership and a mentor with CEPO. And also currently working with SemlarkNet Technologies Limited Abuja.


  1. When I am 100 years plus, cut me a cake. 80-100 pop me some palm wine

  2. I sure will cut you a cake at "you may kiss the bride".😁 Nice one bro.


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