In our contemporary world today,there are many paths. Many people have choosen to paths in the ways of the world and forgotten that the worldly paths leads to nowhere but to distructions.

However, in all these paths, there is a path in which the world has rejected. This path is none other path but the Ancient Paths.

What then are the Ancient Paths? Speaking from the book of Jeremiah 6vs16.This is what the Lord says, " _Stand at the crossroads and look,ask for the Ancient Paths,ask where the good way is,and walk in it and you will find rest for your soul. But you said,you will not walk_ in it".
Brethrens,what if I told you that the rejection of the Ancient Paths is what has led to the menace in the world?

The world has totally rejected the Ancient Paths without knowing that the  Ancient Paths are the ways of the Lord.

 Are you long thirsty and hunt hungered for the Ancient Paths? Then here are the little things you needed in walking on the Ancient Paths. There are;
(1) Truth,
(2)Fear of the Lord,
(3)Holiness ETC

     The world today has traded these things for the edifications of the Devil. The world today claims to love God but do the will of the Devil.

 The world today claims to hate the Devil but do his will.The world today no longer speaks the Truth anymore. The world today has sold the Truth for the worldly penury. The world today has forgotten the fact that only the truth can set a man's  free. Children  of the Most High God,where is thy Truth? Has thou sold thy Truth also? If yes, then remember that nevertheless is neverthelate.

You can still make it right with God.

 Also the fear of the Lord; The world today no longer fear the Lord again all in the name of hiding under the banner of "Grace".But surely I say to you,that the Fear of the Lord is not just the beginning of wisdom but also the beginning of  a prosperous life and longevity. Children of the Most High God, what is it that you fear so much that won't make you to fear the Lord of Host? Is it poverty, jobs,death,Scarcity, what? Name then.

 Brethrens, I write to boldly instruct you that when you fear the Lord,He makes everything to trembling at your feet.

The last for today is Holiness;
The perfect book made us to understand that without Holiness none can see God. what then is Holiness? Holiness is purity. Am I pure in the heart? Do I have anything against anyone in my heart? Does my appearance glorified the kingdom of the Most High God? When people looks at me,is there anything in me that will remind them  that yes truly there is God?

These are the little things that the world has forsaken.

Therefore my brethrens,I urge each and everyone of us to join us in spreading the way of the Lord which is the Ancient Paths.
The Ancient Paths lives in you. Walk in it today and you will be saved. God bless you.


 Ene Mona is a graduate of English from IBB University, Lapai Niger State. He's an inspiring writer whose major interest is on drama and poetry.  His literary works has appeared in my many literary sites and blogs. He just finished his National Youths Service Corp program in Federal Ministry of Justice, Abuja. He's the founder of Reader's World Group. A place were young writers like him meet to read and talks about the literary world.


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